Eco Chic decoration: Keys to this Eco-friendly style in home decor

The style of eco chic decoration  is one of the most representative trends when it comes to preserving an eco friendly interior design in our home. Do you want to know what are the keys to this friendly line with the planet? Discover them in our Decoration blog.

How is the Eco Chic style

Bet on a stylish decor without sacrificing why respect for the average  nature surrounding are some of the keys that define eco chic style. Through this style we seek to configure natural spaces surrounded by relaxing environments that help us to get away from the worries of our day to day.

The eco chic decoration has its essence in the use of materials and / or ecological or recycled products. The chromatic range that characterizes this style that is generating a whole movement in favor of the care of our planet are white, which will grant a more relaxing brushstrokes. The philosophy of the eco chic trend lies in the key of the 3R of the ecology that we talk about recycling, reduce and reuse. By this we mean that in this style we will not only use natural or ecological elements, but also actions that make a more rational and balanced use of the resources of our planet.

The eco friendly spaces stand out for the use of furniture made from materials from controlled farms or that are fully recycled or recyclable. This kind of furniture, which does not necessarily have to be made of wood, lacks materials that can be toxic or polluting with the environment such as chromium, lead, mercury or asbestos. In that sense, when you opt for wood, you have to pay attention to it coming from controlled plantations.

To adapt this style of eco chic decoration to your home, you must take into account some of the keys that we expose below.

Use of natural fabrics

At the time of dressing your bed, making curtains or vinyls or upholstering the furniture, we have to opt for the use of natural and organic fabrics. Thus, for example, organic cotton and flax are grown on fertile land, unrelated to the use of pesticides, fertilizers or herbicides.

This type of fabrics are spun and produced without chemicals, thus becoming the best ally for the health of the planet and our own skin, avoiding allergic reactions that may be caused by the chemical coloring of the skin. which is subjected to certain textiles when they are dyed. Something similar we can comment on organic wool, which is presented as a biodegradable material without harmful additives or bleaches, thus reducing the negative impact on our planet.

Natural and efficient lighting

With regard to the effect of luminosity in this eco chic style, we would talk about the use of LED bulbs , which in addition to significantly reducing the electricity bill at the end of the month, we will also be able to significantly reduce CO2 emissions. in our atmosphere.

To gain natural light, use light colors in the curtains and walls to multiply this effect. Likewise, it would be interesting to include intensity regulating systems or presence detectors. Equally, it would be interesting to keep the bulbs and screens clean so they do not lose their luminosity and do not consume more energy.

Ecological painting for furniture and walls

Every time we will find more products on the market that are environmentally conscious and that are committed to the reduction of chemical and toxic ingredients with very low VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) indexes. The ecological painting requires a shorter time of drying with a correct coverage and free of odors.

As we specified before, white is one of the predominant tones, although we also highlight others such as sands, greens, ochres, earth, different shades of wood or mustards that will be related to nature.

These shades can be applied in furniture, upholstery, auxiliaries and walls.

The wooden furniture are the protagonists

The furniture in natural wood can be combined with iron or metal, as in the case of a wooden desk with iron legs. The aged furniture is a prominent factor in the decoration of this type of room, which could be varnished, expose scratches or varnish peeling.

The furniture of trade or accessories that we can find in traces, antique shops or stores specialized in vintage furniture will be an excellent option.

Eco friendly complements

The smooth textiles will be a very good alternative, although it would be advisable to opt for complements with prints in the form of flowers and leaves to create more intimate and natural environments, something that we can use in our wallpapers.

The  plants , without doubt, become the best complement, whether in the form of cactus, natural flowers or centerpieces. The  fabrics  like cotton, raffia, rattan, wicker, jute or sisal are some of the options that should be present in carpets, bedspreads, lamps, curtains or baskets.

And the walls?

If you have brick walls and you want to create an environment that invites calm, we suggest painting them in white or neutral. You can create a more uniform atmosphere without having to lose the texture of this material.

You can also use wallpaper to give more prominence to the walls. We speak of a very easy to use decorative resource with a most affordable cost and a final result that will be really impressive, especially if you opt for imitation stone models or those that represent vegetal motifs on its surface.

What do you think of the eco chic style of decoration ?

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