Spinach with sesame against high cholesterol

The spinach are great to eat at any time and in all kinds of recipes. You want a very simple and tasty? It is this mixture of vegetable or sesame sesame, plus other ingredients. Are prepared in minutes and are a perfect side dish, plus totally suitable for those suffering from high cholesterol. Follow the recipe and see how rich it is.

Spinach with sesame recipe Ingredients:

  • A large bundle spinach
  • An onion
  • Two tablespoons sesame seeds
  • A spoonful of sugar
  • One tablespoon of olive oil
  • Two tablespoons of soy sauce
  • Spray plant
  • Salt and pepper

Preparation of Spinach with sesame:

Cook spinach boiled, steamed or microwaved until tender. Chop the onion and póchala with spinach in a pan with vegetable spray. Meanwhile, in a mortar, grind the sugar with toasted sesame seeds to form a kind of flour. Mix with soy sauce and olive oil.

Now you will not have more to add the sauce over the end of cooking spinach garnish and you have this ready for consumption. If you want you can add toasted sesame seeds to give it an extra touch.

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