Cheese allowed in the diet to lower cholesterol

What is the type of cheese with less saturated fat recommended for a low cholesterol diet?
Cheese is a very nutritious food, but in turn contains nutrients such as saturated fats can be detrimental to high cholesterol. Therefore, on this occasion will detail what types of low in saturated fat cheeses or cheese allowed can consume within a diet to lower cholesterol.

  • Cheese batter: no saturated fat.
  • Low fat cheese spreads: 0 grams of saturated fat.
  • Ricotta: 1.2 grams of saturated fat.
  • Burgos cheese-fat: 0 grams of saturated fat.
  • Nonfat cheese: 0 grams of saturated fat.
  • Quark cheese: 0 grams of saturated fat. .
  • Cottage cheese: 2 to 4 grams of saturated fat ..
  • Petit suisse cheese: 4 grams of saturated fat.
  • Goat Cheese : 5 grams of saturated fat.

Today there is a range of 0% saturated fat cheeses, which are as tasty as those containing a large percentage of fat, and are more healthy.

These cheeses you can use them in different preparations such as puddings, omelets, salads, purees or just a snack before a main meal.

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