How to prepare a low-calorie menu for healthier life?

In these days it seems you can not lose weight without spending money. But the reality is far from this situation, because losing weight is not as expensive as it sounds. So this time we will bring an example of how to prepare a low-calorie and affordable menu for a diet to lose weight, with which you can lose a few kilos and save a few penny.

As processed foods increase, growing obesity, and this causes an increase in weight loss diets, diet products, nutritional supplements, medicines, etc. All these products if they can help you lose weight, are usually very expensive. So do not give up! There is a different option and cost, back to basics. To understand a little more, we will bring the way of how to prepare a set menu and low in calories.

How to prepare a set menu and low in calories?

So you can prepare a set menu and low in calories, you should choose: fresh food (vegetables, fruits), low-fat dairy, whole grains, legumes, seeds, nuts and/or dry, sweet home fruit, homemade breads, meats visible fat, eggs (no more than 3 times a week), just to spice oil, brown sugar or common but only to sweeten herbal teas (no more than 2 teaspoons per cup) and tap water to drink.

Sample diet to lose weight and save

Breakfast: 1 cup skim milk with black tea. 1 scrambled egg. 1 fresh fruit.
Mid Morning: carrot and celery sticks.
Lunch: 1 glass of cold water or 1 cup homemade vegetable stock. 1 serving of spaghetti or other noodles or semolina pasta (if they can be integrated, the better) with corn oil, sunflower, grape, soybean or olive oil (the cheapest you are at your fingertips, except oils blends). 1 salad of fresh vegetable juice (your choice). 1 fruit.
Snack: 1 yogurt with 1 teaspoon sesame or flax seeds (available at food markets health food stores or loose).
Mid-afternoon: 1 handful of dried fruit (if expensive, replace them with a piece of low fat cheese or 1 fruit).
Dinner: 1 cup of cold water or 1 cup homemade vegetable stock. 1 serving of lean meat or skinless visible. 1 cup mashed pumpkin or carrot.

With this sample menu you can prepare your own diet to lose weight and as you will see no great need preparations, or buy food rare or difficult to obtain.

You just have to come back to the sources, buy seasonal foods, and prepare your own diet. In addition to drinking do not need more than 8 to 10 glasses of tap water and to increase your caloric expenditure can walk 40 minutes a day or biking. Slimming, without spending money is possible, just a matter of you to try.

In general, weight loss products are expensive, and often do not give the expected results. So, do not take more turns back to the natural, diet and save!

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