How to prepare a low-calorie grilled food?

A very good choice when eating outdoors or spend a picnic usually prepares the roast or just switches on the grill and the coals for some food. Yes, the ingredients used are usually not very suitable for a diet to lose weight. Of course, as long as you do not look back, there are excellent choices to keep everybody happy, because this method of cooking does not add extra calories. For this reason, only a matter of putting on the fire the elements indicated.

Here are some good tips for preparing a light roast:
Use chicken and fish: These are perfect for grilling and generally are not bad for a diet. Simply use them without fat or skin. In the case of fish, it is best to prepare them wrapped in aluminum foil. You can pre marinate with soy sauce, garlic, lemon juice, some olive oil and various herbs. Be delicious.

Think of the skewers: In just a spike can have a variety to keep fed to all bidders. There are plenty of options to implement: you can try one of salmon and vegetables, a tofu-ideal for vegetarians, and even a fruit for dessert.

Vegetables: Not only are perfect to eat less meat and use as garnish, but also are delicious. Tomatoes, onions, peppers, eggplants, squash slices. No one will be disappointed with these options.

And you? Do you respect the diet when you meet and eat with your family or friends? What options do you like to grill?

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