Eggplants, water and low calorie

This vegetable should be part of any diet especially if you need to lose weight, 100 grams only has 17 calories, helps to rehydrate the body and also prevents aging. It is one of the most popular vegetables for flavor and the thousands of possibilities when cooking.

The eggplant has a lot of water and the percentages of carbohydrates, protein and fat is very low, eating eggplant means committing to a true anti-aging natural cure because it has a good amount of vitamin C and also contains an important antioxidant compound, chlorogenic acid, which prevents premature aging of skin cells.

Although fiber has little, just hidden in the skin and seeds are recommended to consume in cases of constipation as it has laxative properties.
  • Helps fight anemia.
  • Soothes intestinal pain.
  • It stimulates the functioning of the liver, pancreas and gallbladder.
  • It is very good digestive tonic.
  • It is advisable in patients with diabetes.
  • If low-fat cooking, roast, benefits people who have arthritis or gout.
  • It is credited with relaxing properties and combats stress.

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