Install a dressing room in his house: The peculiarities of dressing

More than just storage space for clothing, dressing well is a real piece spacious closet all his belongings, including bags and shoes. But how to develop it? Here are some tips.

We often tend to confuse the dressing room and closet. Yet they are two completely different elements. The closet is a small storage space hidden behind sliding doors or partitions while dressing is an entire room specially designed to hold up business, in addition to clothing. It usually affects an entire room for this purpose to avoid cluttering the other rooms of the house.

The decoration of the dressing depends on individual preferences, but it is above all simple and functional. Then you can bring a personal touch to the decor to make it truly your image. The space reserved for the dressing may take the form of an L with a double piece of wall for storage when installed in a room longer. It is also possible to install it following the U-shaped with three sections of wall for the storage if the room is square.

How to construct a dressing room?
In general, the dressing must be installed in a room between the bathroom and bedroom. However, if your bedroom is quite spacious, you can also accommodate a dressing room in a space of an average width of 1.40 m by 1.80 m. It is not necessary to reserve a large space to create his personal dressing room. Just to know divided the space for this use to be able to store all his affairs.

There is no need to call an expert to install a dressing room. Today, large retailers such as Ikea wardrobe systems offer to install itself with a manual. Shelves, drawers, cupboards ... Everything is for the storage becomes a real pleasure. If you have a room large enough to accommodate your wardrobe and you have a clear idea of what you want, the ideal is to order a custom furniture. This will help optimize use of available space.

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