Maintain a fireplace for winter safely

Regular maintenance and proper is de rigueur for the proper functioning of the chimney. Its efficiency and longevity depend greatly on the care you give him all year. Here are some tips to properly maintain power in his fireplace and enjoy winter.

Maintenance of the chimney
Cleaning the chimney is not only a sweeping classic. All its elements should be given special attention. To allow you to spend a warm winter with confidence, perform a thorough cleaning of your chimney in the spring. In this case, you'll have more time to make spare parts or materials where necessary.

Fireplace, glass, iron plate and ashtray cleaned every year for a safe and optimal use of the chimney. Regarding the glass of the insert, you need to clean it every week for effective transparency that will allow you to enjoy the fire in all its glory.

Thorough cleaning of the chimney
When you go about cleaning your fireplace, always start the heater. To do this, first make sure the fire is extinguished. Then, make use of a vacuum cleaner to remove ashes. Using a brush soaked with white vinegar and scrape the inside of the firebox. Rinse with clean water before wiping. Regarding the mantel, use a stiff brush. If there are more parties than other soiled, use a mixture of warm water and detergent.

While the glass is the subject of a weekly wash, it always tends to turn black because of smoke. To make it shine and make it clear again, rub it with cold ashes. To facilitate entry of the latter, use a cloth or newspaper. You can also opt for a mixture of white vinegar and salt. In terms of cast iron plate, induce them with petroleum jelly and make slight friction to make them shine. Finally, for pokers, tongs and log rack, simply use a soft brush to remove all waste

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